cherffalo*- JUST DANCE*



301087, Communications, UB.
Generally happy. =D
love is only a feeling

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Designer: Increasingly
Resources: XXX
again in the same day!
Monday, June 29, 2009

ok so i went on and did more ps stuff... got me a whole new bunch of patts so was playing around!! here's what i made. we used to call these "fansigns"... not sure if fansigns exist anymore in the newly elitist "everything validates" webdesigning world.. ><

So anyways, here goes...

Original Image:

And below is the fansign!

likey? no? INTRIGUED? heh.

oh yea picture features Elisha Cuthbert.. Probably from Eleganxia PSDs.. which might not exist anymore seeing as this was taken from my stock collection from years ago.. ><


so said cher @ 6:33 AM

yet another photoshop effort!! ><

so yea I've found a new technique and put it to the test again. Somehow didn't achieve the effect I wanted but managed to use it to get better coloring.. So here goes!

here's the original image!

then after the color edits...

and after the "new" technique!

Sooo.. Waddya think?


so said cher @ 2:50 AM

and again!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

haha oops i made another one! here goes:

original pic

one of my favorite pics of me =)

ok so first i erased the bg and added black... to get the picture below.. (oh yeah i also changed the color of my top to suit my layout more lol)

yupyup then played around with colors... (you can see some parts of my hair are differently colored in the picture above.. coz i changed the color of my top... that problem is rectified in the picture below) and this is the more human looking picture:

wheee =) looks great! ok then come the color edits or curve edits..

(pic above has a gaussian blur applied - for the dreamy effect =))

(above) different kinda blur lol

(above) curve edit i think

applied a shape blur on top of curve

added embellishments and voila again! this time the lines around the pic weren't done as well lol i miscalculated some stuff hehe.

so waddya think? from

this... to..

this... to..

this! =)

tag! haha. ok back to layout making! =D


so said cher @ 4:46 AM

more photoshop work!

i've been in the mood to re-enter the world of webdesign so i've been playing around with some pictures.. here's what I did today! =)

original image

i quite like this picture of me! lol=) edited the colors to make them more human.. haha

slightly better! next, i erased the background of the fitting room and put in a black background (to check if i'd missed out erasing anything) [oh oh i also erased the darkness below my eyes lol]

then i started the stylized color editing! =) step 1, selective color channels

then edited the brightness/contrast levels

added a slight blur and more color adjusting..

you can start to see all the not-so-well-erased parts lol. but after some erasing work, i'm done with this! =) then changed the background to semi-transparent white =)

added some embellishments and... voila!

i like the colors =)

alright that's all for now. gonna work on new layout for possible new website =D am excited! are you?? =D


so said cher @ 3:57 AM

blogging again!
Friday, June 12, 2009

hmmms i really had a lot to blog about but i kinda forgot what it was about... haha i really should write these things down. maybe it'll come back to me heh

anyways, i made a wallpaper out of a picture from MayVacay (holiday with val to London Germany and Cornwall) and decided to post up the deets here! heh.

Ok so here's the original picture i used...

After editing the colors...

Very cartoony eh? haha i like it so sshh. heh. Yep, then my original intention was actually to add in some pictures to make it look more like a wallpaper but... it turned out like so:

Quite ugly right? The thumbnails could be smaller though haha so i decided just a simple one would be good..

Yea.. I guess this was the best i could do lol. Gah! I wanted to do something nicer! My PS skills are going down the drain man =( Sigh. Gotta work on it more!

Alrighty that's all for this entry... Till I remember what I wanted to blog about, this will be it. heh.

Kays see y'all!!! ( should be soon enough, i kinda remember what it was already! =))


so said cher @ 10:14 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

wanted to blog but am suddenly exhausted.

have lots of words in me just waiting to flow though!

and i know no one reads this blog anymore lol. that's all good. i kinda prefer it that way

so many thoughts!

1) too many friends
2) the downsides of wealth

amongst others.

comin up soon i suppose! for now, am too sleepy. ciaoooo~

so said cher @ 8:18 AM in the house!!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i'm lovin' Lady Gaga's album The Fame! Right now I'm predicting that the next single to come off that album will be Starstruck, featuring FloRida! It's an AWESOME track. Other great tracks in The Fame I love include Summerboy, The Fame and BoysBoysBoys.. Another track I'm lovin now is Electric Feel by MGMT! Haha.

So I had a great relaxing week, with no work due for once and some days off work to rest.. (ok so there was work. i didn't realize i had ntr exam.. ugh, let's forget about that for now) So here I am to update you guys on stuff!

So yea, I actually wanted to blog a little bit about work but I think i'd better not go into too much detail because y'know, people get fired for blogging about their work.. The first day of work was great, everyone was nice and I really enjoyed the work environment (apart from the damn blasted Sun).. I think it's great to work in a place where everyone is close and welcomes you to their 'family' and is essentially nice! And of course, having the occasional eye-candy helps too haha but I'm not gonna elaborate on that because it's all past now. A lot of staring, same-bus-taking, lunch hours and such other stuff was involved. LOL.

Some pictures of the amazing work environment =):

Isn't the scenery just amazing??? Imagine if you worked here!

The pontoon

One of the boats.. And myself pointing at it kinda. haha

Inside.. The navigation/steering system. I can navigate this boat! Mwahaha

Lately, though, not-so-pleasant things have taken place and as it's a "breaking news" kinda thing, I'm gonna see how it goes before i go into detail. Originally I was actually very impressed with the way the organization works - training their employees to be professional in dealing with guests as well as making sure that the guest comes first etc. I was truly impressed with the amount of effort that went into making sure that the very best level of excellence in customer service was achieved. However, apparently some other things take precedence over certain other things.. Suffice to say not all stakeholders are satisfied.. (wo0t putting something from MGG150 into use here! lol)

So anyways, I just hope things don't get too bad. And in the meantime, I need to keep reminding myself to apply for that thing I've wanted to apply for for awhile now.. Actually 2 things.. Hmm. Not gonna say anything yet because nothing's confirmed.. Will tell when the time's right =) You guys know me! I will tell! haha.

Next update... OUTINGS
haha yea.. a LOT of them! I dunno how to update about this but yea had a lot of fun lately.. Mainly with brunch buddies, family, val, etc.. I need to meet a lot of people! XYZ, Edna, etc! For updates on the outings (not complete but most of my outings get posted there) go to Facebook! Haha.

Another thing is that I've got TWITTER! Yay haha now I'm gonna skive off on blogging and tweet instead! Way easier and you guys can keep up with my life in a more up-to-date way! lol. My tweet name is Cherla so go look for me and FOLLOW me! hehe.

Meh, I had a buncha stuff to blog about but really forgot most of it. Eh i've started (sort of) writing a journal so yea hahaha, i've got an outlet for my innermost thoughts kinda. I'm also secretly (well, not so secret anymore haha) hoping that it gets published. LOL. C'mon, I really think my life plays out like some kinda soap opera, so that'd make a great read. HEHE.

Well I think i'm gonna stop here today. I've kinda got stuff to say but I dunno how to say it so I'm gonna either say it elsewhere or.. Yea well. haha. Rightos. Till the next time, CIAO PEOPLE and take care=) LOVES!

i dunno i dunno i dunno. it's all so weird=( can it finally be right?

so said cher @ 6:50 AM